Monday, June 8, 2015

CO Book trading 08/05/2015, MONDAY

1) Longed @ TST PDH. Got 16pts.

2) Shorted TST S/R line. Got 25 points. 

3)Could not find any clear imbalance between bulls and bears. In 1 min chart, it looked like pennant. Skipped the signal.

4)Stopped trading as price started ranging.

Disclaimer: I am not a Research Analyst, registered with SEBI/MCX or any Exchange. I maintain this blog only for my own learning purpose and recording my thoughts on intraday activity of Market. I do not give any kind of trading advice to anyone. My methods will result in severe losses. Hence please do not follow me.


  1. Hi Karthik - you trade / watch crude in second session only?
    What are the timings and lot size for this contract and is it liquid in second session?
    What other contracts are liquid in late night session if I want to observe?

  2. Hi Bhavir,

    Real movements happen in Crude oil after 5.00 PM.
    It starts at 10.00 AM and goes on upto 11.00 PM. I am doing book trading. It will take sometime, before I do real trades.

    Crude mini contracts can be traded with a margin of just Rs.1500. I think the lot size is 10. I have to check. I believe that liquidity should be more in the second session, going by the big moves.

    I have no idea abt other contracts. I feel, if we can master crude oil, that is enough. Very good moves happen every day in crude oil. But it happens at breakneck speed and we have to trade Crude oil with a slightly different approach, (as opposed to Nifty) something, I am learning.


  3. Hi Bhavir,
    I can shed some light on your doubts. Crude oil markets are active in the evening session especially after U.S market opening. There are two contracts named crude oil mini and crude oil available in MCX. Crude oil mini lot size is 10 and the normal crude oil lot size is 100. It is exceptionally liquid in the evening session. As it is slightly effected by the INR movement, it's better to trade commodities in the evening session as INR is normally stable after 5 O clock. Heard that Natural Gas and Gold contracts are liquid, but I never traded them. As studying crude oil fundamentals is very complex, most of the traders trading crude oil stick to technical analysis and that makes the movement much more reliable as per price action. As SK already pointed out, the moves are very very quick for the same reason of mass technical analysis dependency.

  4. Thank you guys. I need to start observing this as I do a day job and can use this second session for actively monitoring and learning. Shall keep in touch through this forum. Thanks!

  5. I checked the mini contract is 10 barrels i.e. every tick = 10 rupees with margin requirements approx 2700 Rs. at CMP
    Major contract is 100 barrels .. margin 27k
