Mr.U.R.Dave has released an eBook, namely 'TRADE-SCORE', which explains to the minutest detail the various factors to be considered before deciding on entering and exiting a trade. Only after going through this, could understand why Smart Trader, who developed and shared this concept with all those interested and keeps guiding the newbies and the new comers of his blog, keeps repeating at every opportunity that method is highly discretionary method. I would like to add that only because of the highly discretionary nature, this strategy is able to do very well on most of the days, as it is able to adapt to the innumerable ways of unpredictable Market behavior.
Mr.UR Dave has succeeded in explaining every detail in the simplest language and further illustrated with real examples. If some one still has any doubt, he can be contacted through his blog, This e book can be downloaded from his blog. Downloading link is provided on the bottom left side of his Blog.
Before reading this, go through the eBook of Smart Trader, namely 'TRADING DECISION POINTS', which too can be downloaded from bottom left side of his Blog,
Smart Trader and U.R.Dave post their trades daily on their blogs and those new to this novel concept of trading can get their doubts clarified after Market hours, by these two brilliant and 'ready to help' trading

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