Thursday, January 23, 2014


Gapped down below PDC and ran up to fill the gap immediately. Attempted BOF of PDC, the only clear signal. It didn’t move well. Broke even, but still have to pay the broker from pocket.  Exit was alright in this trade, but entry has to be fine tuned. Should have entered just below the low of BOF bearish engulfing candle. In that case, could have made some minimum profit.
BOF of PDH taught me a few things. Lured by the volume, entered at the break of previous MSP. Delayed the entry, over worries about the failure of BOF. Kept around 12 points SL, as the probability of a good, strong  down move was very strong. But alas, that was not to be.
Mentor Rajeshji was really kind and pinpointed what I should have done swiftly, once the price is not going beyond FTA.  TBBji’s trades of the day are good examples of  where to enter and exit.  TBBji enters very close to DP and thus maintains a very good Risk:Reward. I have to emulate Rajeshji and TBBji.
Earnings of the last week are being lost this week.  Hope that I trade well tomorrow. By trading well, I mean, I should not have take any trades, not taken by Nifty Nirvana seniors.  If that does not happen ,  I will practice book trading for some more days. Only after Book trade goes well, I will risk my money.

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